


  王彤,男,1987年11月生,湖北荆州人。2011年6月本科毕业于中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院生态学专业。2011年9月至2016年12月于武汉大学生命科学学院(梁子湖淡水生态系统国家野外科学观测站,导师:于丹教授/站长)生态学专业硕博连读,获博士学位。2017年5月至2019年5月于山东大学生命科学学院生态学与生物多样性研究所从事博士后研究(合作导师:王仁卿教授/所长)。2019年5月至今任青岛农业大学正规det365登录网站讲师。担任中文核心期刊《湖泊科学》与SCI期刊Hydrobiologia、Journal of Plant Ecology、PLoS ONE、Global Ecology and Conservation与Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark审稿专家,山东省生态学会会员

  二、从事学科领域 研究方向



  1. 水生植物生理生态学。主要研究水生植物的性状在异质性环境中的表现

  2. 水生植物入侵生态学。主要研究入侵水生植物(喜旱莲子草、凤眼莲、大薸、芦苇等)的入侵机制与生态效应

  3. 水生植物生态地理学。利用长期野外调查,探索水生植物性状、多样性与生产力在环境及地理尺度上的分异





  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,青藏高原水生植物对极端环境的适应策略―来自叶功能性状的证据,2014.1-2016.12,参加;

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,不同类型牧食者对水生植物入侵种喜旱莲子草的影响,2016.1-2018.12,参加;

  3. 山东大学博物馆建设计划,生物标本室搬迁与建设,2017.12-2020.12,参加;

  4. 中国博士后科学基金第62批面上资助二等资助,性状对水生植物芦苇和喜旱莲子草入侵性的影响及机理,2017.11-2021.6,主持;

  5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,地下生态学过程对芦苇(Phragmites australis)入侵性的影响及机理,2019.1-2021.12,主持;

  6. 青岛农业大学高层次人才科研基金,青岛市河流生态健康——基于水生植物生态学的观点,2021.1-2023.12,主持。



  1. Tong Wang, Jiangtao Hu, Linlin Miao, Dan Yu, Chunhua Liu*. 2016. The invasive stoloniferous clonal plant Alternanthera philoxeroides outperforms its co-occurring non-invasive functional counterparts in heterogeneous soil environments – invasion implications. Scientific Reports, 6, 38036

  2. Tong Wang, Jiangtao Hu, Chunhua Liu*, Dan Yu. 2017. Soil type can determine invasion success of Eichhornia crassipes. Hydrobiologia, 788(1), 281-291

  3. Tong Wang, Xi Li, Chunhua Liu*, Dan Yu. 2017. The compromising foraging of a clonal submerged plant in variable environments of substrate type and light condition: a simulation study. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10(3), 538-545

  4. Tong Wang, Jiangtao Hu, Yuanyuan Gao, Dan Yu, Chunhua Liu*. 2017. Disturbance, trait similarities and trait advantages facilitate the invasion success of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. CLEAN-Soil Air Water, 45(9), 1600378

  5. Tong Wang, Jiangtao Hu, Renqing Wang*, Chunhua Liu**, Dan Yu. 2018. Tolerance and resistance facilitate the invasion success of Alternanthera philoxeroides in disturbed habitats: A reconsideration of the disturbance hypothesis in the light of phenotypic variation. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 153, 135-142

  6. 李珂, 陈浩, 张海杰, 王彤, 刘建*. 2018. 不同养分条件下密度对空心莲子草生长和光合特性的影响. 安徽农业大学学报, 46(4), 706-712

  7. Tong Wang, Jiangtao Hu, Renqing Wang*, Chunhua Liu**, Dan Yu. 2019. Trait convergence and niche differentiation of two exotic invasive free-floating plant species under shifted water nutrient stoichiometric regimes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26, 35779-35786

  8. Liyu Yang, Pengcheng Zhu, Renqing Wang*, Tong Wang*, Xiaona Yu. 2020. The effects of changing sedimentation disturbance on the invasiveness of Alternanthera philoxeroides are trait dependent. Aquatic Invasions, 15, 578-592

  9. Tong Wang*, Liyu Yang, Jiangtao Hu, Chunhua Liu, Dan Yu. 2021. Clonal performance of Scirpus yagara in multiple levels of substrate heterogeneity and submergence. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14, 805-815

  10. Cui Wang, Tong Wang, Meiqi Yin, Franziska Eller, Lele Liu, Hans Brix, Weihua Guo*. 2021. Transcriptome Analysis of Tetraploid and Octoploid Common Reed (Phragmites australis). Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 653183

  11. Tong Wang*, Runyu Shao, Pengcheng Zhu, Renqing Wang. 2021. The reproductive strategy of the clonal helophyte Leersia oryzoides (L.) Swartz. in response to variable submergence conditions and different harvest. Evolutionary Ecology, 35, 27-40

  12. Tong Wang*,Hongrui Dou, Chunhua Liu, Dan Yu. 2021. Decoupling between plant growth and functional traits of the free-floating fern Salvinia natans under shifted water nutrient stoichiometric regimes. Flora, 281, 151876

  13. Tong Wang*, Lizheng Fang, Chunlin Wang, Chunhua Liu, Dan Yu, Haifang Li*. 2022. Water depth rather than substrate heterogeneity affects the clonal performance of the stoloniferous submerged plant, Vallisneria spiralis L. Flora, 287, 151995




  Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tong_Wang46
