



  舒庆艳,女,1976年3月生,河北唐山人。博士,研究员,博士生导师。1999年在西北农林科技大学(原西北林学院)获学士学位,2002年在西北农林科技大学获硕士学位,2005年在中国科学院植物研究所获博士学位。2005年至今在中科院植物研究所任助理研究员、副研究员和研究员;期间2007-2008年前往比利时进行专业技术培训,2008-2009年前往美国开展博士后研究工作。迄今承担国家自然科学基金、中科院战略生物资源计划、中科院先导A任务及企业合作项目等10余项;作为骨干参与科研项目10项;获得国家授权发明专利12项;完成成果评价5项(国际领先3项,国内领先2项);在J. Exp. Bot.、Plant Cell Physiol.和Plant Sci.等刊物上发表论文40余篇。

  二、从事学科领域  研究方向






  • 主要科研课题及成果


  1. 中科院植物研究所领域前沿项目,牡丹花型决定基因分离、功能鉴定及花型形成的机理研究.
  2. 国家自然科学基金项目,牡丹开花时间相关的F-box 基因的克隆和功能鉴定.
  3. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目,牡丹PsTM6基因的克隆和功能研究.
  4. 国家自然科学基金项目,牡丹SKP1基因功能研究.
  5. 国家自然科学基金项目,牡丹斑色形成的分子机理.
  6. 国家自然科学基金项目,基于全长转录组的GWAS和eQTL解析牡丹心皮数目变异机制.
  7. 中国科学院战略生物资源计划项目子课题,特色植物种质资源产业化创新.
  8. 企业合作项目,迁西县东莲花院乡油用牡丹示范园建设和发展.
  9. 企业合作项目,牡丹资源药用和油用价值评价与利用.
  10. 业合作项目,元宝枫种子成分测定与协助产品开发.


  1. 《油用牡丹高产、稳产、优质、低成本栽培模式》, 第7完成人. 国内领先.
  2. 《黄土高原油用牡丹高效栽培模式》, 第3完成人. 国内领先.
  3. 《油用牡丹产业关键技术体系集成与应用》, 第2完成人. 国际领先.
  4. 《油用牡丹关键技术创新与应用》, 第2完成人, 国际领先.
  5. 《“光伏+油用牡丹”创新模式研发与应用》, 第4完成人, 国际领先.


  1. Li Y, Wang XR, Zhang X, Liu ZG, Peng LP, Hao Q, Liu ZA*, Men SQ, Tong NN, Shu QY*. 2022. ABSCISIC ACID-INSENSITIVE 5-ω3 FATTY ACID DESATURASE3 module regulates unsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis in Paeonia ostii. Plant Science, 317: 111189.
  2. Wang WD, Liu ZG*, Kong F, He LX, Fang LH, Shu QY*. Quantitative analysis of resveratrol derivatives in seed coats of tree peonies and their hypoglycemic activities in vitro/vivo. Food & Function, 2022, 13: 846-856.
  3. Liu ZG*, Li MZ, Qian DW, Liu ZA, Shu QY*. Phytochemical profiles and their hypoglycemic effects of tree peony seed coats. Food & Function, 2021, 12: 11777-11789.
  4. Wang X, Zan MY, Amuti A, Shu QY*, Wang ZZ*. 2021. Evaluation of the oxidation stability and anti-cancer cell activity of Paeonia ostii seed oil and its linolenic acid fractions delivered as microemulsions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 342: 117579.
  5. Tong NN, Peng LP, Liu ZA*, Li Y, Zhou XY, Wang XR, Shu QY*. 2021. Comparative transcriptomic analysis of genes involved in stem lignin biosynthesis in woody and herbaceous Paeonia species. Physiologia Plantrum, 173: 961-977.
  6. Tong NN, Zhou XY, Peng LP, Liu ZA*, Shu QY*. 2021. A comprehensive study of three species of Paeonia stem and leaf phytochemicals, and their antioxidant activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 273: 113985.
  7. Peng LP, Hao Q, Men SQ, Wang XR, Huang WY, Tong NN, Chen M, Liu ZA, Ma XF, Shu QY*. 2021. Ecotopic over-expression of PoCHS from Paeonia ostii altered the fatty acids composition and content in Arabidopsis thaliana. Physiologia Plantrum, 172: 64-76.
  8. Peng LP, Men SQ, Liu ZA, Tong NN, Imran M, Shu QY*. 2020. Fatty acid composition, phytochemistry, antioxidant activity on seed coat and kernel of Paeonia ostii from main geographic production areas. Foods, 9: 30.
  9. Gu ZY, Men SQ, Zhu J, Hao Q, Tong NN, Liu ZA, Zhang HC, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. Chalcone synthase is ubiquitinated and degraded via interactions with a RING-H2 protein in petals of Paeonia ‘He Xie’. 2019. Journal of Experimental Botany, 70: 4749-4762.
  10. Hao Q, Peng LP, Zhen Li, Men SQ, Tong NN, Shu QY*, Liu ZA*. 2019. Paternal effects on fatty acid composition of tree peony seed oil. Euphytica, 215: 131.
  11. Gu ZY, Zhu J, Hao Q, Yuan YW, Duan YW, Men SQ, Wang QY, Hou QZ, Liu ZA, Shu QY*, Wang LS*. 2019. A novel R2R3-MYB transcription factor contributes to petal blotch formation by regulating organ-specific expression of PsCHS in tree peony (Paeonia suffruticosa). Plant and Cell Physiology, 60: 599-611.
  12. 舒庆艳,朱 瑾,门思琦,郝 青,王倩玉,刘政安,曾秀丽,王亮生*. 2018. 基于牡丹类黄酮糖基转移酶基因建立VIGS技术体系,园艺学报,45(1):168-176.
  13. Yin DD, Li SS, Shu QY, Gu ZY, Wu Q, Feng CY, Xu WZ*, Wang LS*. 2018. Identification of microRNAs and long non-coding RNAs involved in fatty acid biosynthesis in tree peony seeds. Gene, 666: 72-82.
  14. Yin DD, Xu WZ, Shu QY, Li SS*, Wu Q, Feng CY, Gu ZY, Wang LS*. 2018. Fatty acid desaturase 3 (PsFAD3) from Paeonia suffruticosa reveals high a-linolenic acid accumulation. Plant Science, 274: 212-222.
  15. Hao Q, Ren HX, Zhu J, Wang LS, Huang SC, Liu ZA, Gao ZM*, Shu QY*. 2017. Overexpression of PSK1, a SKP1-like gene homologue, from Paeonia suffruticosa, confers salinity tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports, 36: 151-162.
  16. Du H, Wu J, Ji KX, Zeng QY, Bhuiyad MW, Su S, Shu QY*, Ren HX, Liu ZA, Wang LS*. 2015. Methylation mediated by an anthocyanin O-methyltransferase, is involved in purple flower coloration in Paeonia. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 6563-77.
  17. Li SS, Wang LS*, Shu QY, Wu J, Chen LG, Shao S, Yin DD. 2015. Fatty acid composition of developing tree peony (Paeonia section Moutan DC.) seeds and transcriptome analysis during seed development. BMC Genomics, 16: 208.
  18. Gao ZM*, Wu J, Liu ZA, Wang LS, Ren HX, Shu QY*. 2013. Rapid microsatellite development for tree peony and its implications. BMC Genomics 14: 886.
  19. Shu QY*, Wang LS, Wu J, Du H, Liu ZA, Ren HX*, Zhang JJ. 2012. Analysis of the formation of flower shapes in wild species and cultivars of tree peony using the MADS-box subfamily gene. Gene, 493: 113-123.
  20. Zhang JJ, Shu QY*, Liu ZA, Ren HX, Wang LS*, De Keyser E. 2012. Two EST-derived marker systems for cultivar identification in tree peony. Plant Cell Reports, 31: 299-310.




